Until we can learn to be with our own darkness, we will never truly transmute the suffering into luminosity.
Until we can metabolize our own shadow nature, we will never come to know ourselves in the light of the divine.
Until we can dissolve our own violence, we will never come to know the tenderness of our own sacred heart - the heart of a child full of wonder born into a world of reflected and refracted awareness.
So many of us have moved through incredible trauma these last years. Our lineages are bathed in blood, our families are steeped in repressed grief, profound sorrow, and indescribable suffering.
The digestion of these earthly experiences is the invitation into the solstice light. It is the only path that leads us back into our divine resonance - it is the sacred spiral that takes us directly into the body of our own luminous and magnificent presence.
The invitation into the solstice light is the movement of remembrance into our sacred presence, despite the shadow that weaves its way through our blood and bones, and through our projections of worldly experience.
Our capacity to be with this immense darkness reflects our capacity to be with the light.
These experiences are interwoven.
A soul can choose to live in between - without ever becoming intimate with the grief, the terror, the suffering, without digesting the shadow of our human heritage, but this same soul will never know the profound beauty of their own spirit - exquisite in it’s making - sewn of cosmic threads of the most ecstatic nature - beyond space and time - pulsating with the breath of the galaxies.
As we brave souls travel deep into the heart of darkness, let us light the fire of the sacred hearth, and remember this great paradox.
Let us continue to engage this great shadow dance - as we come to remember who we are.
Blessed Winter Solstice and the Imminent Return of the Light
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Thank you Maré! Your words are illuminating and comforting as you communicate the depth of the truth of our times.
I love your writing Maré, and will share this post as it's really needed today.